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Quick bunch of notes on moving data between container on AWS using RDS. Here we have 2 stacks, each with a container sitting on an EC2 instance. The container is running a simple rails application connected to RDS specified in the DB_HOST environment variable. There are other shortcut ways to do this but this is the ‘pretty straightforward’ way 🙂


2-Minute Read

Opinionated mantra though it is, I believe that the improvements brought by automation, cloud architectures, and intelligent processing of the resultant data streams mean that new opportunities are available to benefit peoples lives through access to knowledge and services.


3-Minute Read

Quick walkthrough of a problem on a 3 node elasticsearch cluster first noticed with the generic yellow/red cluster warning. The chain of events causing the problem looks like…


1-Minute Read

Basically, a RabbitMQ image that uses confd to capture some environment variables to set itself up. All sorts of queues, bindings, vhosts, users, etc can be set up using this method.


3-Minute Read

Operations people, we love to automate. In the case of continuous integration we want to be able to deploy to production, every day, multiple times a day. Our commits trigger building, testing and deploying through a pipeline untouched by human hands. Or, so the theory goes…

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