October 10, 2017
Automated Token Generation with Cloudformation Custom Resource Lambdas
Automated Credential Token with Cloudformation Custom Resource Lambdas
The automated token template,
# Automated simple token creation
Type: Custom::GenerateKeys
Version: '1.0'
ServiceToken: !GetAtt KeyGen.Outputs.Arn
RequestType: Create
ResponseURL: !Join ['', ['http://ResponseURL', !Ref 'AWS::StackId', 'RequestId']]
StackId: !Ref 'AWS::StackId'
RequestId: !Join ['', [!Ref 'AWS::StackId', 'RequestId']]
LogicalResourceId: SomeEncryptedTokenKeyGenLogicalResourceId
KeyLength: 32 # Specify the length of the key to generate
KeyType: AlphaNumeric # Specify the key type, 'AlphaNumeric' or 'Punctuation'
KMSKeyId: <KMS key id> # If set the key will be encrypted